Zana:Dodirni Mi Kolena Lyrics
Dating > Zana:Dodirni Mi Kolena Lyrics
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Dating > Zana:Dodirni Mi Kolena Lyrics
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Click here: ※ Zana:Dodirni Mi Kolena Lyrics ※ ♥ Zana:Dodirni Mi Kolena Lyrics
Kupi mi haljine, srebrne lancice, crvene maline i kartu do Amerike. It was recorded in Jugoton's Studio VI, and produced by the band members themselves. Oprostiću ti ovaj put...
Kolena mi klecaju kad znam da ces da me poljubis kao da me ljubis prvi put Kolena jos klecaju kad znam da polako prilazis reci mi da nije uzalud oprosticu ti ovaj put Niko ne zna na sta sve pristajes kad spustimo salone htela ja ili ne ti me poznajes topis kao Toblerone traje sijesta, ljudi jos spavaju ja mazna sam popodne Moja bedra stalno te sanjaju bas su tvoje ruke zgodne dok letu primice se kraj ja znam da mozes mi sve hajde pocni vec sto pre Ref. Naše vreme za muziku gotovo je Pošaljimo gitaru na spavanje Dajmo jedno drugom poljupce Vidimo se sledeće nedelje. In 1989, Gajović left the band, retiring from music and moving to. Ćaj, Ćiro, sedi s mirom, ne mrdaj šeširom. Očešljaj se levo Očešljaj se desno Očešljaj se gore, Jutro je! She was also a member of the International Jury in Melodifestivalen 2009, the selection for the Swedish entry to Eurovision Song Contest 2009. Saša lupa čekićem, čekićem, čekićem, Saša lupa čekićem po ceo dan! In case the code is correct you will be redirected to download page where your Dodirni Mi Kolena gp4 file will be prepared. Ex YU rock enciklopedija 1960 - 2006. Stavi desni bok onda skloni ga Stavi desni bok onda mrdaj ga Igraj hoki poki i okreni se I to je sve! In 2002 Vesna Pisarović won the annual Dora festival, the event that determines Croatia's entry for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Dentha to vris, dentha to vris, To dahtilidi pouzitis. Ćaj, Ćiro, sedi s mirom, ne mrdaj šeširom. Soon after, Jovičić and Kikamac went to serve the army, the band went on hiatus, and Nimani decided to start a solo career.
Dodirni Mi Kolena Lyrics - Hej, moja dusice, izbaci bubice iz svoje lepe lude plave glavice ne budi dete obuci papuce, dodaj mi jastuce nezno me zagrli i ponasaj se prirodno skuvaj mi kafu, napravi sendvic lepo ugosti i zadovolji me Hej, moja dusice, ostavi lutkice koje te jure i stalno ti dosadjuju ne budi dete kupi mi haljine, srebrne lancice crvene maline i kartu do Amerike znamo se skoro vec deset dana daj mi svoj auto i kljuc od stana Hej na sveze mleko mirise dan ptice pevaju na sav glas jutro njise vetar, dodirni mi kolena to bih bas volela Hej plavo nebo zuri u stan zuti leptir mazi moj vrat jutro njise vetar, dodirni mi kolena to bih bas volela.
This is the final page that leads you directly to the Guitar Pro tab, drum tab, bass guitar tab, piano chord, etc you've chosen. This page provides information concerning Dodirni Mi Kolena guitar tab such as its format, type of tab or chord, upload date, number of views, number of downloads and rating of this tab provided by users. In case the code is correct you will be redirected to download page where your Dodirni Mi Kolena gp4 file will be prepared. If you browse all Zana tabs or open the list of tabs and chords for Dodirni Mi Kolena, you can see there are not only Guitar Pro tabs. In this case no special program is needed to read the tab. All you need to do it to open such Dodirni Mi Kolena tab and you will see it displayed. If you wish, you can download our free tabs in txt. Also we try to add chords and files for different music instruments, for example, you can find Zana acoustic guitar tabs, piano chords or power tabs. Many songs like Dodirni Mi Kolena have not only Dodirni Mi Kolena guitar tab type, but provide wide selection of chords and tabs for all instruments. We also try to add more Zana Guitar Pro tabs as they can bear data for whole band including sheet music. Our newest addition - Zana lyrics - is viewed the same.